Christ in the Passover

Music and Lyrics

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Below, the first two songs are traditionally sung during Passover at a seder. “Eliyahu Hanavi” sings of the prophet Elijah who is thought to appear before the messiah’s first coming (Matthew 11:14), and the second, “Dayenu,” means “it would have been enough for us” and reminds us of our blessings in God’s provision. The third song is Messianic and can be sung at any time of year, but at Passover it particularly reminds those of us who believe in Jesus of redemption in the Lamb of God.

Eliyahu Hanavi

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Eliyahu hanavi, Eliyahu hatishbi
Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu hagiladi
Bimheira b’yameinu yavo eileinu
Im Mashiach ben David
Im Mashiach ben David
Eliyahu hanavi, Eliyahu hatishbi
Eliyahu, Eliyahu, Eliyahu hagiladi
Bimheira b’yameinu yavo eileinu
Im Mashiach ben David
Im Mashiach ben David

(Elijah the prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, Elijah
from Gilead, may he come soon and in
our days with Messiah the Son of David.)


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Ilu ilu hotsianu hotsianu mimitzrayim
V’lo asah vahem shfatim dayenu
Da-dayenu, da-dayenu, da-dayenu dayenu
Da-dayenu, da-dayenu, da-dayenu dayenu

Ilu ilu asah vahem ilu asah vahem shfatim
V’lo asah veloheihem dayenu
Da-dayenu, da-dayenu, da-dayenu dayenu
Da-dayenu, da-dayenu, da-dayenu dayenu

(If He’d only redeemed us out of Egypt and
not wrought judgments upon them it
would have been sufficient. If He’d only
wrought judgments upon them and not
upon their gods, it would have been

Passover Lamb

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Lyrics – Sam Nadler
Music – Stuart Dauermann

Pharaoh had us all enslaved, lab’ring in
his land
The Lord God heard our cry and freed us
by His hand
And by the blood of the pure and
spotless lamb
We’re free, we are all set free.
Passover lamb’s blood upon the door
Forming a cross to seal us from death’s jaw
And by the blood of the pure and
spotless lamb
We’re free, we are all set free.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
God of Abram, thank You for the lamb.

God gave us Israel but we turned away
God gave the Law to us but we disobeyed
God gave His only Son to come and set
us free
We’re free, we are all set free.
Yes, we all did turn away and we all were lost
So we took a perfect Lamb and nailed Him
to a cross
And by the blood of the pure and spotless
We’re free, we are all set free.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
God of Isaac, thank You for the Lamb.

Three days He lay; then Jesus did rise
So all who will believe never have to die
And by the blood of the pure and
spotless Lamb
We’re free, we are all set free.
Passover Lamb’s blood upon the door
Forming a cross to seal us from death’s jaw
And by the blood of the pure and
spotless Lamb
We’re free, we are all set free.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
God of Jacob, thank You for the Lamb.

Alleluia! Alleluia!
God of Israel, thank You for the Lamb.

© 1975, renewed 2003 Lillenas Publishing Company (SESAC)