Postfach 28 03 31 13443 Berlin Germany
+49 62969276Branch Leader
Aaron was born in Israel but spent the majority of his life in England. He grew up in a family that had already accepted Yeshua as the Messiah. However, during his early teenage years, he went his own way and got involved in the punk movement for a short period of time. Eventually, through an encounter with the Holy Spirit, the Lord convicted him of his sin and showed him that he was wasting his life if he wasn’t living for Him. After spending four and a half years working with Jews for Jesus in Hungary, he moved with his family to start a new branch in Berlin. Here, they share the life-giving message of the Messiah Yeshua with Israeli, German, and Russian Jews along with the thousands of tourists who travel there. Every prayer is so much appreciated!
I was born in Kazan, Russia, in 1971. In 1993 I became a believer and met Jews for Jesus. In 1994 I participated in Moscow campaign. After my second campaign I joined the ministry, where I met my husband, Leonid. Together we were members of the music team called Messiah’s Shofar for a year and a half. Then, in 1998, we moved to Kiev, Ukraine. We have three children: Michael, Dina and Eugenia.
Carolina Flores grew up in a Messianic Jewish home in Israel. However, after a painful separation of her parents, the family simply abandoned their belief in Yeshua and Carolina grew up completely secular. As a young woman, after her time in the army, she worked in Israel in a facility where volunteers from Germany served. One day, some of these volunteers invited Carolina to church. This first visit was the beginning of a change in her life and there she met a member of the Jewish staff for Jesus who would take care of Carolina in the near future. After a few meetings, Carolina came to believe and was baptized.
God’s ways are unique and they led Carolina to Germany to study and later to Berlin for an internship with Jews for Jesus in Berlin. Now she is taking the big step to work full-time for Jews for Jesus in Berlin.
I am a Jew who believes in Jesus as the Messiah. I was born in Odessa, Ukraine and grew up there in a secular Jewish family. I had always been told that a Jew has to learn a lot. Because of this, I read a lot of books – just not the Bible. Because the Bible is not a book that is suitable for Jews. My parents did not obey the Jewish commandments. And my grandma usually only celebrated two Jewish festivals – Passover and Yom Kippur. When I once asked her why she did this and what the meaning of the holidays was, she replied that her grandpa always did it that way.
I first heard the gospel and believed in Yeshua in 1991. My family was strictly against it. However, after coming to faith, my life changed radically. In 1996 I became part of Jews for Jesus and then, in 1998, I moved to Kiev to open a branch of Jews for Jesus there.
In 2018 I did my doctorate at the Theological Seminary in Kiev, now I have a doctorate in theology. I write and teach about what it means to be Jewish and at the same time believe in Jesus. For me, both the spiritual aspect and the spread of the gospel are important.
I have now been working as a missionary with Jews for Jesus for 24 years. I firmly believe that God wants to bless the body of Christ in a special way through mission among Jews. I want to continue to preach the Good News to the Jewish people. I also want to show churches and congregations how important it is to bring the gospel to the Jews. But at the same time I want to convey the best way to do it.
I strive to orient my life accordingly and to inspire others to bring the gospel to Jews and non-Jews alike. I am currently living in Berlin with my wife Natascha and our three children to preach the Good News among Russian-speaking Jews.
In 1996, when I got a new job as a salesman, I met a young couple that worked next to me, Yury and Natasha. Once, I learned that they never work on Sundays. I got very surprised at this because in sales one could earn a lot of money on a weekend. I asked them some questions, and Natasha began to tell me about Jesus. In about six months, they invited me to attend a church service with them. To be completely honest, I did not really like it in church. But when I looked at my new friends, I could not help noticing how everything seems to work out for them and how happy they are.
Seven or eight months later, I reconciled with God and invited Jesus into my life. This happened in 1996.
Soon, Yura was invited to join the Jews for Jesus ministry as an administrator, and he invited me to take part in the ministry as well. Periodically, I took part in outreaches of Jews for Jesus. Some more missionaries of Jews for Jesus were part of my church and shared a lot about this ministry with us. So, you could say that I grew up spiritually with Jews for Jesus.
In 2003, leader of the Odessa branch invited me to participate in the Behold Your God campaign in Odessa, Ukraine. I agreed. For a month, we all went out to the streets of Odessa, gave out tracts and shared the gospel message with people. After this campaign, I felt a fire in my heart towards the Jews for Jesus ministry. So, in March 2004, I joined Jews for Jesus in Odessa as an outreach worker.
I have a wonderful wife named Lina and two sons Alexander & Mark.