Jewish Identity

A recent article in the Jewish magazine Aish tells of an encounter with a Jewish missionary, then argues that being a Jew for Jesus is impossible.

Since I started believing in Jesus, I’ve often heard this question from my Jewish friends and family. Did I go over to the decidedly non-Jewish side?

It’s a common perception that if a Jew comes to faith in Jesus, they’ve moved out of the Jewish ballpark. But my experience was just the opposite.

Historians agree, Jesus was a first-century teacher of Judaism, a rabbi. But then what kind of Judaism did Jesus teach?

There are thriving groups of Messianic Jewish people all over the world. What do they believe, and how do they practice those beliefs?

I’m a person of faith but don’t observe much of rabbinic tradition. So, how can non-observant Jews like me celebrate the giving of the Law on Shavuot?

The Hebrew text of Exodus says that we saw the voice of God at Sinai. Rabbis interpret this visual manifestation as God’s words dividing into 70 langu...

Taking a deeper look at the meaning of the food eaten on Shavuot, we find a symbolic showcase of God’s promises to the Israelites—and to us today.

There are many reasons why the majority of Jewish people don’t recognize Jesus as Messiah—some are cultural, some historical, and some religious.

Though our salvation comes from the Messiah, there are still two reasons that as Jews we find value in practicing commands of the Torah.

Scripture tells us that we were chosen by God for a purpose. But what is that purpose? A closer look points to our loving God and our neighbors.

Moses chose not to reveal that he was a Hebrew. He actively identified as an Egyptian, and that’s how he would have gone down in history if God had no...

God made you Jewish on purpose. What if faith in Jesus enables you to discover the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the One who has the final say on w...

When God refers to the Jewish people as chosen, it means He selected them for a specific purpose and task. So what is it we were set apart to do?

This question can be controversial or confusing. Here we present a logical look at whether or not a Jewish person can also be a Christian.

Here is an in-depth overview of the similarities, differences and changes over time between the three primary branches of Judaism: Orthodox, Conservat...

BINST GEVOREN A GOY! “You’ve become a Gentile!” We Jewish believers in Yeshua often encounter this accusation after we’ve been baptized.

How do we reconcile the promise that God has a covenant with Israel with our experiences in daily life, which are often filled with difficulties.

The tallit and tzitzit serve as a physical reminder for Israelites of their identity as God’s people and how they’ve been set apart from the nations.