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A Silent Observer:

Eli Hears Miriam’s Faith

by Aviel Sela | November 04 2024

As a Jewish missionary, I consider it an immense privilege to minister to Holocaust survivors like Miriam and Eli. When I first met this Jewish couple two years ago, we had a wonderful time discussing our lives, our backgrounds, and even our beliefs. They shared stories about the successful careers and the prosperous life they had left behind to immigrate to Jerusalem and were interested to hear about my belief in Messiah.

Unfortunately, we lost contact, and it wasn’t until recently that I happened to run into Miriam in Jerusalem. She invited me over for tea, and I happily accepted. When I arrived at their home, I was shocked when I saw Eli. At first, I didn’t recognize him. He was frail, sickly, and bedridden in the living room. Eli was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and it was clear that he didn’t have much time left.

As Eli slept soundly, Miriam recounted stories from her life and asked me about my faith in Yeshua. I shared the gospel, and Miriam asked how she could have peace with God. I explained that she needed to repent of her sins and believe in Yeshua as her Lord and Savior, and I led her in a prayer of repentance. Praise God!

As soon as Miriam and I started saying our goodbyes, Eli immediately opened his eyes and said goodbye as well. I thought Eli had been sleeping, but he had been listening as his wife received Jesus as her Messiah!

Thank you for helping Holocaust survivors like Miriam find peace in Yeshua! Please remember to pray for Eli in his final days, that he will receive Messiah’s gift of salvation. Pray also that Miriam will find her comfort in the Lord when her beloved Eli departs.


*Aviel Sela serves on our Jerusalem team in partnership with International Mission to Jewish People (IMJP).

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