Jews for Jesus Core Values

by David Brickner | February 01 2018

Last month I shared our newly refreshed Jews for Jesus mission statement: “We relentlessly pursue God’s plan for the salvation of the Jewish people.” We’ve also refreshed our core values as we reexamined what makes us tick—what is at the heart of why and how we act as we do. We’ve identified three key core values in Jews for Jesus:

  • Passion for the lost
  • Dedication
  • Teamwork

These are “non-negotiables” for Jews for Jesus staff. From the most senior leaders to the newest trainee, these values are part of our DNA; they guide decisions about what we do, whom we employ, who stays with us, who succeeds. Each of the values we hold near and dear in Jews for Jesus is derived from Scripture.

Passion for the lost

[Brothers and sisters], my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. (Romans 10:1)

Passion for the lost is an inner drive, an intensity, a compelling force. It involves an emotional connection to what we do. It keeps us going even when the work becomes discouraging, frustrating, mundane and yes, even boring. We press on, knowing that people will hear the gospel and some will get saved because God uses what we do. And that means everything!

Note: this core value does not describe a personality type or manner of expressing oneself. Passion for the lost is what stirs people to action when they think of those who are dying without Yeshua.


I beseech you therefore, [brothers and sisters], by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)

Dedication involves faithfulness, hard work—seeing our work as a spiritual calling. Dedication is tied to our commitment to the Lord and a destiny that goes beyond this world. It means that whether someone has been on staff with Jews for Jesus for 40 years or 4 years, they are focused and devoted to sacrificial service.

We are blessed with a staff that gives of their time and substance and focus so generously to our ministry.  Most could live more comfortably and in more family-friendly locations, but they faithfully serve with us.


Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:9–12)

We’ve thrived because we are a team. Our founder, Moishe Rosen, used to say, “The only one who doesn’t get edited is God,” meaning all of us should willingly and humbly subject our work to the hands of others. Teamwork is essential to every outreach or campaign we do. It’s the heart of every healthy branch or department in our ministry worldwide.

Each of us can be more and do more and reach more Jewish people for Yeshua as part of a passionately dedicated team than we could alone. We are more together than we are alone. Someone has used the word TEAM as an acronym for “Together Everyone Achieves More.” This is evident all over our ministry, from the campaigns we do, to the admin teams, to our Executive Leadership Team. In Jews for Jesus, we are all part of one or more teams and serve as part of one large team. That’s just who we are and how we behave—and we’re better for it.

I can’t say that I or anyone I’ve ever met fully demonstrates all three of these core values all day, every day. But I will say that when we see ourselves lacking in any of these three areas, we can’t just ignore it. We’ve got to help and encourage one another, pray for and challenge one another. And yes, we have to hold one another accountable to be and do those things that make us who we are and who God wants us to be.

What about you? When was the last time you asked yourself, “What makes me tick?” Let me challenge you to pause and prayerfully consider what values are deeply embedded in your heart. As you think and pray about this, let me encourage you to start with the Scriptures. May the Word of God inspire you to embrace those things that make you His unique child and servant.