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Join Us for Passover—from Anywhere in the World!

by Jews for Jesus | February 12 2023

For nearly 50 years, Jews for Jesus has sent missionaries to churches in North America, Europe, Australia, and Africa to share “Christ in the Passover.” It’s a great way to meet and minister to partners like you, and to invite and reach Jewish people together.

In 2020 a huge challenge arose: how to continue reaching out during the pandemic—and our “Christ in the Passover” livestreams were born! It was such a blessing to still be able to provide a meaningful message during a time when people were isolated, and in many cases, anxious and craving connectivity and fellowship with other believers.

While we are thankful that we can now return to churches in person, our Passover livestream ministry has continued to develop, taking us to more places than we could ever go in person. In 2022, we were able to livestream “Christ in the Passover” to more than 13,000 people who registered, plus we had more than 5,000 views on YouTube—representing a total of 48 countries, including Taipei!

Please join us for a livestream Passover this year by registering online at jewsforjesus.org/passover2023. Since our livestreams are virtual, you can invite all your friends anywhere in the world to join you! That includes any Jewish friends you might have. Invite local friends to join you at a watch party with refreshments after, or simply give them the information so they can choose to watch in the privacy of their own homes.

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