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ministry moments

From Paris, Lionel Gimelfarb reports,

“Michelle called our office two days after the terrorist attack on Israel. She is Jewish, and the daughter of Holocaust survivors. Michelle said, ‘I’m deeply shocked by what’s happening in Israel, and a close friend of mine prayed with me, and suggested I contact Jews for Jesus.’

“We met over coffee the next day. Michelle opened up about how she wanted to have the relationship with God and the peace that she saw in her friend. We looked at several biblical passages and while she was deeply touched, she told me that while she wants to believe, she feels a sense of betrayal at the thought of following Jesus. Still, we have continued to meet to look at the Scriptures. Will you pray with me that Michelle will fully receive her Messiah and that this will impact her whole family?”

Dmitry reports from an undisclosed location,

“I first met Yosef more than eight years ago. He began to attend our Bible studies and Sabbath services regularly, in addition to reading the Bible. After a few years, he began seeking more traditional answers at the synagogue. We continued to meet, and I would ask Yosef if he was getting answers to his questions from the synagogue. He replied ‘no’ more often than ‘yes.’

“For six months, I was unable to meet with Yosef. Recently, I found out that he has cancer. I visited him in the hospital, and again I told him the essence of the gospel. I invited him to repent and reconcile with God through the sacrifice Yeshua made for us. Yosef confessed his faith right there in the hospital ward. Thanks be to God! Please remember Yosef in your prayers.”

Online Gospel Partnerships

While Jeff Morgan serves with our Tel Aviv team, he also helps us reach people all over the world through our Jews for Jesus YouTube channel. Jeff regularly interviews Jewish believers from all walks of life. This year we were able to share personal stories of faith in Yeshua with more than a quarter of a million people.

Jenny, a Jewish woman in her sixties, came to faith after hearing Jeff’s interview with a Jewish scientist, Dr. James Tour. Jenny had been searching for peace and hope for years. After seeing Dr. Tour’s testimony, she took him up on his offer to connect with anyone who was earnestly seeking the truth about Jesus. Dr. Tour met with her online, shared the gospel, and they studied history and prophecy. But before James could finish summarizing the historical data, Jenny said she believed and wept, leaving the call a different person. Praise the Lord! Please pray for Jenny to grow in her new faith, and for many others who see these testimonies to come to faith in Jesus. You can see Dr. Tour’s testimony here, and you can subscribe to our YouTube channel here.

Also from Jeff in Tel Aviv,

“Over the last week, Jerome and I have been texting back and forth on WhatsApp. In his first message, he wrote, ‘My curiosity about Jesus has been a very internal, almost secret thing. I’m grateful that I can open that dialogue beyond myself. Thank you for allowing room for my concerns and fears so that I can feel safe asking my honest questions.’

“Jerome wanted to pray to God informally, but was not sure how, so I sent him a prayer that emphasized his open heart and mind to God and what God might want to reveal to him about Jesus as Messiah. He responded, ‘This prayer puts the perfect words to my intentions. I will definitely reach out when I am ready for our next conversation.’

“In his next message, Jerome shared some challenges he’s been having and how it was comforting to him to pray. I expressed my desire to meet with him to go over some Scriptures. Please pray that this happens soon, and that God answers Jerome’s prayers by revealing the truth of Messiah through His Word.”
Jeff Morgan shares a New Testament Scripture with an Israeli man on the street after an interview with him.

Jeff Morgan shares a New Testament Scripture with an Israeli man on the street after an interview with him.

From Moscow, Maxim Ammosov reported,

“Praise God for this year’s camp ministry! From June 26 to July 1, we ministered to 26 kids between the ages of 9 to 16. This included 5 first-timers and 21 who came to camp last year. We divided our campers into three age groups, and I led the team of 14 adults who ran the program and cared for the kids.

“We called our camp ‘Shalom, Yeshua,’ the same as last year. This year’s theme was ‘Exodus.’ We had services every morning and evening to focus on the Bible and to worship together. We also had time for all-camp games, plus daily classes for guitar, drums, singing, cooking, art, basketball, and volleyball. Campers enjoyed having a talent show, as well as a competition over Bible questions on the final night near the bonfire. More than half our campers prayed to receive Yeshua. Praise the Lord!”

Note: Just a month after leading this wonderful camp outreach, our dear brother Maxim passed away of a heart attack.

Names are changed to protect privacy.

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