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ministry moments

by Jews for Jesus | May 30 2024

After speaking at a church in Arizona, Susan Perlman (veteran missionary and our Chief Partnership Officer) was approached by a man named Mark with a clearly Jewish surname. “My son attends this church and insisted that I come hear your presentation,” he said. Then he began asking her the kinds of questions we love to answer. Susan said, “I can answer your questions, but if I do, would that be enough for you to believe in Jesus?” The man thought about it and said, “Yes, I think it would.” They exchanged contact information and have since been in touch. Please pray for Mark’s salvation, and stay tuned!
Susan Perlman

Susan Perlman

Isaac visited our website and left the following message: “Please send me more information. I am Jewish. I am not sure about Jesus yet.” Rob Wertheim (veteran missionary based in San Francisco) followed up. As Rob read Isaiah 53 to Isaac over Zoom, Isaac immediately knew it was describing Jesus. When they met the following week, Isaac was ready to pray to receive the Lord. He and Rob will continue meeting weekly for personal Bible study (Isaac has ordered his own copy of the Bible). Please pray for Isaac to grow in his faith and for his wife (who is also Jewish) to become open to the gospel.
Jews for Jesus

Rob Wertheim

Names are changed to protect privacy.

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