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ministry moments

by Jews for Jesus | November 04 2024

Jews for Jesus

Stewart Weinisch in New York

Levi, a Jewish believer in Messiah, contacted us through our online LiveChat and asked if we could reach out to his mother. I gladly agreed and met with Yana over Zoom. Over the next few weeks, after we’d had a few more calls, Yana asked if I could send her something to read that would explain what I had been telling her, so I sent her a booklet. After she read it, she told me she had no questions, she understood, she believed, and she was ready to place her faith in Messiah. I led her in prayer, and she professed her faith in Yeshua. She then hurried to say goodbye because she wanted to call her son right away and tell him the good news!

Jews for Jesus

Zigmund (Ziggy) Rogoff in London

Shimon, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish man, phoned our office. “Tell me about Jesus,” he said timidly. I shared the overarching story of the Bible, the problem of sin, and how Yeshua is the Savior who brings redemption. He asked about church and baptism, and I explained the importance of fellowship and the significance of baptism as a declaration of allegiance to the Messiah. Shimon wonders if he could believe in Messiah and remain in his ultra-Orthodox community. We are now trying to arrange an in-person meeting. Please pray for God’s wisdom as we minister to Shimon!

Names are changed to protect privacy.

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