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Selecting the Jews for Jesus Executive Director: A Behind the Scenes Look

by Ruth Rosen, Editor | May 30 2024

“When I announced that I would be stepping down from the position of executive director, many people were surprised that I hadn’t chosen my successor. I never intended to make that choice.”—Moishe Rosen, Jews for Jesus Founding Executive Director

Moishe had been leading our ministry for more than two decades when he sensed God telling him it would soon be time to make way for a younger leader. And because he wanted that leader to be God’s choice, Moishe removed himself from the process. He was eager to see God’s choice confirmed like it was in Acts 15:28, which says, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us.” After all, the will of God often becomes apparent through unity in His ranks.

We just need to seek His will and not our own.

That’s why the selection process for our top leader requires a unanimous vote by a designated group of Jews for Jesus staff and a confirmation by our Board of Directors—both with prayerful petition for the Holy Spirit to oversee the choice.

Prayers over David Brickner following his selection as Executive Director in 1996

Prayers over David Brickner following his selection as Executive Director in 1996

I was part of that designated group of voters; there were nine of us tasked with nominating Moishe’s successor. The process was simple. After much prayer, the floor was opened for putting forward candidates. Seven people were suggested; we interviewed and discussed each of them and then adjourned for the day.

The following day began with more prayer. Then the names of the seven candidates were written on a whiteboard. The voting began as we each wrote a candidate’s name on a piece of paper. The person with the fewest votes was dropped from the list. Then we repeated the process again and again until only one name remained—David Brickner.

I will never forget watching Byron Spradlin, then Chairman of our Board, open each ballot. I heard him say, “1—yes, 2—yes, 3—yes, 4—yes,” until finally he came to “9 … yes!” Hallelujah—it was unanimous!

When David sensed that it was his time to pass the baton to a younger leader, he, too trusted God to choose his successor. As he told us, “If we understand that God is the one who desires to choose His leaders, then we just need to seek His will and not our own.”

The selection process was the same as before. We didn’t expect everything to play out just as it did 28 years ago, but we knew that God would be faithful to let us know His choice.

Aaron Lewin, our Berlin branch leader, says, “The unity in the room was palpable. When it became clear that our next CEO was to be Aaron Abramson, we all sensed that God’s Spirit had been leading us. What an amazing experience! I felt so privileged to share this moment in our mission’s history.”

On behalf of all of us, thank you to those who’ve been praying for this momentous transition. Please be praying for Aaron as we move into the next chapter of pursuing God’s plan of salvation for the Jewish people.

There’s more to see and pray for!

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