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The Ecclesiastes 4 Principle in Gospel Partnership

by Susan Perlman, Chief Partnership Officer | September 01 2023

Everyone who wants to share the gospel needs a partner—because apart from God, we can do nothing. But God also wants us to partner with one another.

Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 tells us, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” (NIV)

When you partner with Jews for Jesus, you are actually partnering with many others as well!

I’ve always loved this passage, but it especially inspires me in my role as chief partnership officer of Jews for Jesus. God’s Word guarantees us that we can accomplish so much more together than any one of us could do alone! And when you partner with Jews for Jesus, you are actually partnering with many others as well!

This has been a secret strength of Jews for Jesus since the beginning. Moishe Rosen used to say that our ministry is like a family business where everyone does their part. He also taught us the importance of partnering with our local churches and various other ministries. I think he would have been astounded to see just how far the Ecclesiastes 4 principle has taken us in sharing Jesus with more Jewish people than we ever dreamed possible.

For example, reaching Haredi communities (ultra-Orthodox Jews) is so challenging that we needed a special prayer guide to encourage partners to learn, pray, and give to help us meet their unique needs. The prayer guide itself is an example of partnership, with eight Jewish missions working together to help Christians understand and connect with this unreached population.

More Jewish people in France get to hear about Jesus!

We also partner with other missions in sharing our greatest resource: people! In France, we share one of our workers with the organization Worldwide Evangelization for Christ (WEC). We provide her with community and training, they provide financial support, and more Jewish people in France get to hear about Jesus! We have similar partnerships in Israel and Hungary.

Partnerships allow us to share knowledge and experience as well. We’ve learned a lot about engaging effectively with online seekers, especially with the 24/7 chat feature on our website. Several organizations have utilized our findings, and it’s been a mutual blessing to see it increase their online witness.

Messianic version of Tyndale’s Chronological Life Application Study Bible

I could tell you about so many more partnerships, but I’ll end with this one: I’m so thankful for our recent partnership with Tyndale Publishers to produce a Messianic version of their Chronological Life Application Study Bible. We’ve added a Jewish perspective to many of their study and application notes, as well as additional charts such as the one on pages 6–7 of this newsletter.*

I’ll add that, while getting more done for the Lord is a great incentive, there are two more reasons why we are passionate about partnership.

Partnership pleases God. Think about it. We are all His children. Don’t parents want to see their kids getting along with one another, sharing and trusting one another? God is our father, and He wants us to be good brothers and sisters to one another.

Partnering is a testimony to the unbelieving world where cooperation, collaboration, and commitment are rare (see John 17:20–23).

If you don’t already, I’d like to invite you to partner with us in bringing the gospel to our Jewish people. Our partners have many options! You can pray and give to help with our outreach. You can introduce us to Jewish friends, use our resources to help share your faith, and/or connect us with other potential partners.

Finally, thank you to all who are already partners with us! You make it possible for us to do more for the gospel’s sake. Some plant, others water, but only God gives the increase (1 Corinthians 3:7)!

*Pre-order your copy here!


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