Kata Tar Budapest

Branch Leader

Kata Tar was born in Hungary, Dunaújváros during the time of Communism. She is single, yet she has a big family. She has three brothers and one sister, seven nephews and five nieces. Her mother was Jewish and received the Lord in 2016; she is now with Him. Her father is alive but does not know the Lord yet. Kata got saved in 1988 through the witness of her Gentile friends. Kata has 9 years of ministry experience with other organizations that seek to bless the Jewish people, and 17 years of teaching experience at elementary and high schools. She has taught English, Hungarian, and Russian. Before she joined Jews for Jesus, she taught English at the school of the Jewish community in Budapest. Her ministry with Jews for Jesus has opened many opportunities for her to plant gospel seeds in Jewish and non-Jewish hearts and to lead several Jewish people to their Messiah, Jesus. She has been leading the work in Budapest since 2018. Since then, online evangelism has become strong. Reaching out to Holocaust survivors and young secret believers have also become prominent areas of her ministry.

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