Shoshannah Weinisch New York


Shoshannah Weinisch serves as a missionary alongside Stewart, her husband of 36 years. They serve on the New York City branch team.

Shoshannah was raised in a traditional Jewish home and came to faith in 1980 through the ministry of Jews for Jesus. Shortly after coming to faith, she answered a call to share the gospel to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

Shoshannah has a passion for the salvation and discipleship of Jewish women. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Shoshannah has seen a change in the demeanor of the women to whom she extends ministry. Shoshannah says, “Between COVID, the closing of many businesses, and the rise in crime in our city, many women have a sense of hopelessness. Although it’s heartbreaking, I recognize a unique opportunity to offer hope in Jesus. I believe God has placed Stewart and me in this city for such a time as this.

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