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God Will Finish What He Started

by Aaron Abramson, Executive Director | June 05 2024

I’ve been looking back 25 years to the moment I felt God’s clear call to join Jews for Jesus. I’m also looking ahead to what God has in store for our ministry now that I am tasked with leading us forward. The following passage is a great encouragement: “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion” (Philippians 1:6).

Those words fill me with hope for all of us involved in the ongoing work of Jews for Jesus. The One who called us to begin with is faithful to help us fulfill that calling!

My calling, and that of my colleagues, is to reach Jewish people for Jesus. As I’ve thought and prayed about what is most important for us as we continue to pursue that calling, I am convinced the answer is people.

Jesus never told His followers they would be known by how amazing their programs were or how gifted they were in communicating (not that there is anything wrong with amazing programs or gifted communicators). He said we would be known by our unity and love for one another.

Likewise, we need to reflect God’s love in the ways we deliver the gospel message. While there is one gospel for all, there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to how and when to present it. As we’ve considered the unique needs and contexts of Jewish people around the world, we have developed fresh, new approaches to reach our people in ways we never imagined possible. But I know God wants us to continue to learn and grow.

Jewish people need Jesus now more than ever.

That said, the world has become a scary place for Jewish people. They need Jesus now more than ever. That is why we first need God to raise up more men and women to help us reach more people with the gospel. Our front-line evangelists, as well as the administrators who work behind the scenes, are diverse and gifted individuals who are committed to working together in teams. But if we hope to reach new cities and new audiences, including Gen Z, we will need new teams. It’s simple math. We not only need more people to serve on our teams, but we also need to support them. That support includes the training, encouragement, and spiritual investment that we are responsible to provide, as well as the prayers, service, and financial support that come from our partners.

And second, we need God to bring us more partners. There is a wide range of ways to partner with Jews for Jesus. Many of you have already been standing with us in one or more of these ways, and we are deeply grateful. If you haven’t yet been actively involved, please consider this an invitation to partner with us in one or more of the following groups of people:*

  • Trained volunteers who so faithfully love this mission and contribute significantly to the work of Jews for Jesus: I praise God for these wonderful people and pray for more like them to join us. We provide the training, and there are many ways for our volunteers to support and increase our outreach.
  • Pastors who open their churches to our missionary speakers and provide opportunities for evangelism: Not only do they provide a platform for Jewish people to hear the gospel,** but they help promote the need for evangelism at a time when sharing the gospel with Jewish people (or anyone else) has waned in so many churches.
  • Partners who pray and give financially and keep us moving forward as they stand with us: We meet some of these partners at churches where we speak, and we meet others through existing partners who introduce us to their friends.
I joined Jews for Jesus because I wanted my life to count for something eternal.

I joined Jews for Jesus because I wanted to make a difference. I wanted my life to count for something bigger, something eternal. But most importantly, I was called to serve here. As I look ahead, I see us continuing to build on the foundation that was set in place 50 years ago, and continuing to refine and design our approach as the Lord leads us forward.

I believe we are standing on the threshold of opportunity. Our Jewish people desperately need hope—hope that can’t be found in anything or anyone but Jesus. Thank you for standing with us!

*If you are interested in becoming a trained volunteer, please contact Carolyne Rohrig at carolyne.rohrig@jewsforjesus.org or 415.715.4557.

If you would like to support our ministry, you can use the enclosed envelope or, if you prefer, you can give online at jewsforjesus.org/give.

**See “Reaching Jewish Seekers at Churches Like Yours!”

If you are interested in having a Jews for Jesus speaker at your church, contact us at jewsforjesus.org/schedule-a-speaker.

There’s more to see and pray for!

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