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by Jeff Morgan, Israel branch of Jews for Jesus | June 05 2024

My family and I were walking around our new neighborhood in Israel when a car pulled up beside us. To my surprise, the driver rolled down his window and called out, “Hey, are you Jeff?”

“Uh, yes, I am,” I replied.

He pulled over, jumped out of his car, and was so excited that he could barely talk. It turned out that this man, Steve, recognized me from SO BE IT!, a video project of Jews for Jesus. Steve could not talk long because he, too, was with his family. He quickly explained that he’d been struggling for a long time, especially with drug addiction. This led Steve to seek God, and when he saw the SO BE IT! videos, the gospel all came together for him and made sense. He surrendered his life to Jesus, and since then, he has remained sober. Steve said our meeting was a “God thing,” and it reinforced his new faith. It blew me away when I found out how God orchestrated our meeting.

Elisha Lazarus (right) interviewing an Israeli in Tel Aviv for SO BE IT!

Elisha Lazarus (right) interviewing an Israeli in Tel Aviv for SO BE IT!

The night before I met Steve, he was having serious doubts about his faith. The day we met, he and his family were supposed to meet up with another family, but that family had canceled. Steve went into his room and prayed to God for a sign to help him with his doubts and to confirm his faith. Then he went online to find a place to take his family, since their plans had been canceled. When a parrot zoo popped up, Steve thought his kids would enjoy it, so that’s where they headed. As God would have it, we don’t live all that far from the parrot zoo. How amazing that we “happened” to be out for a walk at the precise time that Steve drove by—and that he “happened” to see us and recognize my face!

Steve knew that this was the confirmation that he’d prayed for. We exchanged numbers, and I will be meeting with him for discipleship. But there’s more! When they got home, Steve contacted the friend who’d introduced him to our videos. That friend, Jake, also Jewish, lives on another continent 4,000 miles away. Jake came to faith in Jesus through watching online videos, including SO BE IT! Steve explained how he’d been struggling and had prayed for God to show him that his faith was real—and how he unexpectedly met me that very day. Jake was amazed and strengthened in his own faith. They both were impressed by God’s lovingkindness and His power to arrange circumstances when we ask for His help. My own family saw it as well, and their faith was strengthened too.

Jeff (right) and Steve

Jeff (right) and Steve

Thank you so much for your partnership that enables me to reach Jewish people like Steve and Jake. Please pray for Steve and for his wife, who is not yet a believer.

More and more Jewish seekers are exploring online videos and articles, and we are committed to providing the kind of gospel content that God can use to bring them to faith in Messiah Jesus. Our online videos and articles reach Jewish people all over the world. Please check out the SO BE IT! videos at youtube.com/@SOBEIT32AD. Ask God if there is anyone you know that He might speak to through these videos—it only takes a moment to share the link.

Names are changed to protect privacy.

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