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praise prompt

Some “problems” turn out to be God’s provision. That was the case with the Los Angeles capstone outreach, a three-day Shavuot street fair at our Westwood coffee shop/gallery, just down the street from UCLA.

Team member Kyle reports, “We went back and forth in circles with city officials trying to get parking permits for a food truck as part of the festival. Then at the eleventh hour, it became clear: a movie premiere was about to take place during our festival, and they had booked every single parking spot on our street. This appeared to be an insurmountable problem, but we sent out an urgent prayer request asking for favor with the film’s production coordinator.

“We connected with the coordinator, who was very kind and told us we were welcome to use the parking spots they had reserved since they only needed them during the times that we didn’t!

“It turns out that the metered parking on our street can only be reserved by valets and film production companies—so, without that movie premiere, there was no way we could have reserved the spots! God had coordinated it all in advance, and what seemed like a disaster was divine providence!

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