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Meeting People on the Move

by Aaron Abramson, Executive Director and CEO | July 09 2024

Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in,
that my house may be filled. (Luke 14:23)

Have you ever boarded a plane, hoping the seat next to you will be empty, but it ends up being taken by someone who turns out to be open to discussing deep spiritual matters? Suddenly your journey is a little less comfortable but a lot more meaningful, right? That’s because many people who won’t take time to think about God in the midst of life’s routine cares and distractions become receptive to the gospel when they are away from home.

Jesus’ parable underscores that while we need to reach out to people in their own hometowns, it’s not enough. We need to engage people who are on the move as well. This biblical truth has been proven over and over, and, in fact, it’s a big part of my own faith journey.

God Met Me “in the Hedges”

Aaron (center) during Massah, 2008

Aaron (center) during Massah, 2008

When I finished my service in the Israel Defense Forces, I left Israel seeking adventure, but more importantly, I was searching for peace and truth. The trauma I’d experienced when my roommate was captured, tortured, and killed by Hamas left me questioning whether God existed and whether there was any purpose in being Jewish.

It was while I was away from home and from all the ordinary pressures and responsibilities of life that God placed several Christians along my path. They kindly challenged me to read the New Testament. They weren’t pushy, but their willingness to have those deep, uncomfortable conversations, at a time when I felt lost and in need of hope, made a significant impact. As I read the New Testament, I discovered answers to my deepest questions. Soon after, I received Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah.

When I returned to Israel, I knew that the temptations of my life back home would be hard to withstand on my own. I prayed that my two closest buddies would come to believe in Jesus. Remarkably, they did! Living out our faith together made a huge difference and strengthened us to continue following Jesus rather than falling back into old habits.

Joining Others on Their Journey

When I became a missionary with Jews for Jesus, I wanted to reach my Jewish people with the good news wherever they might be, but I was especially concerned about reaching my fellow Israelis. The more I thought about the challenges I’d faced and how God had reached me, the clearer it became that we needed to join them on their journey. And so, in 2007, I proposed a new program called Massah (Hebrew for journey). But where would that journey take us? To India, for starters.

Every year, roughly 75,000 young Israelis are discharged from their mandatory military service, and nearly half of them head off to places like Nepal or Peru in search of adventure and escape. In fact, many guesthouses and restaurants off the beaten track in India welcome Israeli trekkers with signs and menus in Hebrew. I launched Massah by leading a team of young adults through India, where they connected with Israelis their own age and were able to share the gospel with them. We not only connected with them on the trails, but many became curious as they overheard us singing worship songs and studying the Bible together at the guesthouses.

This mission has taken us to India, Thailand, Nepal, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, and Guatemala.

By God’s grace, we have shared the good news with more than 32,000 fellow travelers over the years. It’s wonderful to meet and build relationships with Israelis who are ready to explore not just hiking trails but ideas. Over the years, this mission has taken us not only to India, but also to Thailand, Nepal, Bolivia, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, and Guatemala.

Massah group in Peru, 2015

Massah group in Peru, 2015

Currently, we are about to launch a team of 22 Israelis who will travel around the world, sharing their faith with others they will encounter. Just like the servant in the parable, they will literally trek through hedges to love, serve, and bring the good news to our Jewish people.

Massah group in Peru, 2015

Massah group in Tel Aviv, 2023

When we are faithful to venture out, God is faithful to bring people in. I ask that you venture with our Massah team by praying for God to use them in the lives of Jewish people they are about to meet. I especially want to thank those of you who have been partnering with us. You are helping us invite our people to meet the Lord and share in His banquet as we bring the gospel invitation to Judea, Samaria, and—yes—to the ends of the earth.

There’s more to see and pray for!

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